Housekiiro no Koi

宝石色の恋 西UKO作品集 ; 宝石色之恋 ; .925 (NISHI Uko) ; Baby You ; Couleur de bijoux d'amour ; Helter-Skelter ; Infinite 20 Minutes ; Mannequin ; Mio Post ; Multiplying Lights ; P. V. ; Parfum ; Roulette ; To Meet (NISHI Uko) ; Topaze ; Up and Down

Authors : Nishi Uko

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Drama , Shoujo ai , Slice of life

Chapters: 16

Last update: 4 years ago

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A collection of oneshots. 777 demande the OL cafe RouletteTwo women find a way to pass the time while waiting to cross the street. Mio PostThe protagonist wants to find out more about a woman she sees on the train. ParfumA woman distracts her lover. P. V.About an indecisive woman. MannequinAn artist who makes mannequins seems too closely attached to her work. Baby YouA woman considers whether to date her co-worker. To MeetA sumptuous story of the relationship of two women. What is it to meet? What does each other mean? TopazeTwo women remember a certain dessert. Infinite 20 MinutesA woman has a lover who comes very infrequently. When the woman finds out that the lover loves Marlboros, she stocks up on them in an attempt to make her lover visit more frequently. Multiplying LightsA simple lighter sheds light on a relationship between two women. .925A woman proposes to her lover, but? Up and DownA college student gets to know her new neighbor. helter-skelterA sequel to "Up and Down." The neighbors decide to go to a public bath.

blee 7 months ago Rocks
super cute and nice read!